Qi-Yo Multiversal yoga training in the Netherlands


In July there will be a 6 day training in the Netherlands with the founders of Qi-Yo Multiversal yoga, Agung Sangha and Lora Nova. This training is an introduction to a 200-hour teacher training and allows you to go deep into yourself and experience the aspects of Qi-Yo. Together we open an experimental field without dogmas that is created by each person or group, evolves constantly and welcomes everybody's inner wisdom and point of view. 


In Multiversal yoga we assume that in essence you are already whole and complete, that you can tap into that directly and there is nothing to fix about you. That you are an expression of divinity on a journey in which the body is a vehicle to express itself, in its own unique way. There is no real goal or purpose to reach like; peace of mind, becoming happy or enlightened. We believe that as long as you make those things objects to reach you're defining yourself as lacking them and maybe create more of it. Then you're missing the moment where the magic happens. No spiritual practice is necessary to realize who you already are or what you already have.

So, why yoga? There is no good reason for it whatsoever. Like dancing is not about reaching a destination in the room, but more about experiencing it or bringing pleasure into your life. It’s a form of joy and expression. The word yoga means ‘union’ or ‘be one with creation’ and is traditionally used as a way to transcend the mind and allow your essence to be expressed. But you can make any activity into yoga by simply being with it, doing it fully here and now. When the mind becomes silent your essence can speak. When you love to paint, it can feel you lose yourself in the painting as daily chatter fades away. The painting is then a result of your creative potential expressed in a form simply by allowing it to happen. You and your creation are one. And as a gardener plants seeds that will naturally grow into crops, yoga can have great results too. But you don’t have to worry about it or what your destiny is. The garden doesn’t worry about how to grow or if it will be beautiful. It just does it. As long as you are fascinated by what you’re doing, results unfold naturally, more beautiful than you can ever imagine and without any effort. So yoga can be seen as a purposeless form of pleasure without a destination to express what you already are, like any other discipline out there.  

Multiversal yoga is not a form and due to everybody’s own expression. Qi-Yo yoga is the fruit of Agung Sangha and is conceived in 1996 under the umbrella of Multiversal yoga. The Qi-Yo system allows anyone, regardless of age or physical condition, the ability to reduce stress, gain flexibility and open energy channels. Qi-Yo unites Qi-gong, martial arts and ancient balinese practises with yoga. It can be a way to tune your body like a musical instrument, to play in harmony with the universe. The practice can assist you to explore your potential, allow your body to heal itself or others, or to discover your own personal unique yoga and awaken the master within.


During the program you will have personal attention and receive a personal asana sequence based on your physical and mental condition. If you choose, you can have lifelong support and guidance by the teachers and join the worldwide Multiversal community. Not to make you dependent or to be part of a cult, but to create a worldwide network of awakened masters. At the end of the program you will receive a certificate, which gives you a discount of 450 Euros for a full 200-hour Qi-Yo teacher training. The next training will be in September in the valley of the Bosnian pyramids. 

6 day program:

- Qi-Yo Warm up and Qi-Gong form

- Qi-Yo Sun salutations

- Qi-Yo Pranayama sequence

- Yoga asanas and personal sequence

- Concentration and visualisation techniques 

- Qi-Yo healing and protection techniques

- Duetics / tantra group work (exercises with Chi,

  Group Mandalas, Energy Shower)

- Mantra, chanting and music

- Relaxation and Healing

- Lectures on various topics

- Personal attention

- Lifelong guidance and support and member of the Multiversal community

Qi-Yo offers a mental and physical approach that aims to instil a life-improving practice to unify the basic traditions of human knowledge, for the benefit of the practitioners and all mankind. This system helps people find a connection to the global esoteric heritage from ancient times to present day, Chinese and Indian yogic systems, as well as a synthesis of other methods to help you expand your consciousness. 

6 day Qi-Yo training

Date: The weekend of 13, 14, 15 & 20, 21 22 July 

Location: Appelscha, the Netherlands 

Contribution: € 600,- incl. accommodation in the weekend, breakfast and diner, certificate, € 450,- discount for full teacher training.  

Sign up or more info: opkikkergroningen@gmail.com 

Facebook: click here 

Qi-Yo Yoga International is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance, which designates this training as one which follows Yoga Alliance's standards.

200-hour Qi-Yo teacher training (full month)

Date: 3 t/m 28 September

Location: Bosnian valley of the pyramids, Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Curriculum: Click here

Contribution: € 2000,- Euro incl. RYT Certificate (International Yoga Alliance Diploma titled: Teacher of Yoga) +Level 1 Qi-Gong Certificate.

Contribution + accommodation: € 3500,-

Sign up or more info: qiyoyoga@gmail.com

Facebook: Click here

Qi-Yo Yoga International is a Registered Yoga School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance, which designates this training as one which follows Yoga Alliance's standard

Johan Herder